Global Non-profit organization that raises awareness and provides funds to enable children's education. We advocate for individuals by providing knowledge on how to find strength within themselves and overcome obstacles. We empower the love of education in young people, and we believe that the mind is the only powerful force to defeat obstacles and challenges.

A Bit About Us
Working Towards empowering the power inside others.

The Power Within, is the outcome of defeating our obstacles. We want to be the source for positive change in our community. Our foundation was driven by the desire to overcome adversity, challenges, and obstacles. Defeating our obstacles using the power of positivity inspired us to create our Non-Profit Organization. Our goals are to support, empower, and inspire. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we apply our vision towards making the changes we want to see.
Who We Are

At the age of ten, we were forced to train in our garage since it was the only option for us after all the doors were closed on us. We managed to train alone without a coach or a team. We built a positive defense mechanism to help us overcome our obstacles and challenges. We managed to find the power within us and we succeeded in defeating adversity. Using a positive attitude towards our obstacles gave us the strength and motivated us to conquer our dream. We participated in the World Championship coming from a small dark garage and we competed against the top athletes in the world. Our positive attitude towards our obstacles and our strong mindset helped us to find the power within us. We want to help others to overcome obstacles and find the power within themselves.
The Power Within is the ultimate goal we both worked hard and dreamed to achieve ; after we defeated our obstacles and conquered our dream, our vision is focused on making the world within our community a better place for all. We strive to make a positive impact and inspire hope with all of our pursuits.